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Reconstruction of Baltic tribes archaeological costumes

On our website you can:

  • view and order the desired archaeological costume or its individual details - fabrics, belts, shoes, holsters, etc.,

  • rent an archaeological costume or its individual parts;

  • order a consultation or lecture, invite us to a fair or festival,

  • choose and sign up for various handicraft courses,

  • to become familiar with the methodology of archaeological costume reconstruction, material and spiritual cultural heritage research and its restoration.

Vilnius city municipality logo

The activities of VšĮ Vita Antiqua are supported by Vilnius city municipality

Lietuvių genties 7-9 a. šeima: vyras, moteris ir vaikas


Dr. Daivai Steponavičienei įteiktas Lietuvos didžiojo kunigaikščio Gedimino ordino medalis

17 Feb 2025

Nemokama visuomenės edukacija 2025 m. vasarį

1 Feb 2025

Įvyko audiovizualinė paskaita “Šilko kelias į Lietuvą”

17 Dec 2024

Main activities and services

Reconstruction of costumes, production of their accessories, rent

We professionally produce the 1st-14th century Baltic tribes archaeological costumes of the present territory of Lithuania as well as reconstructions of historical clothing of The Grand Duchery of Lithuania and their individual components (textiles, jewelry, leather and other items). We can create an original archaeological or historical costume for you with the right accessories, jewelry and finishing details, based on scientific data. See more here.

We rent archaeological costumes, their details and other inventory for celebrations and other events. You can choose the rental inventory here.

The archeological costume of the Samogitia tribe
Consulting and commissioned research

Designing your own costume, writing a research paper or organizing an exhibition?

Dr. Daiva Steponavičienė provides professional consultations in the field of the application of archaeological costumes or their details, collects and organizes scientific data and conducts costume research of the selected tribe and period.We will help you choose the right details and decoration of the costume, so that it is not only beautiful, but also maximally scientifically based.

Dr. Daiva Steponavičienė with archaeological costumes
Lectures and education

We give public illustrated lectures on archaeological or historical costume and leatherwork for both children and adults. See more here.

​PI Vita Antiqua also organizes folklore, textile, leather and jewelry courses.

Dr. Daiva Steponavičienė
Courses and activities

The gallery "Vita Antiqua" (J. Basanavičiaus str. 16, Vilnius) organizes practical educational classes for adults: folk songs, jewelry, tablet weaving, nalbinding and leatherwork. The price of the classes is 30 EUR, discounts are available for schoolchildren, students and pensioners.

Broken twill fabric
Participation in fairs and festivals

Every year, Vita Antiqua participates in various festivals and fairs, such as the Days of Living Archeology in Kernave, the Fair of Old Crafts in Neringa, Kaziukas fair, Kaunas Hanza, "Skamba, skamba kankliai" and others, presenting crafts related to costume reconstruction. We also present costumes to the public at events.

Daiva Steponavičienė at the fair

Additional activity


Creative folklore group Sedula

Invite the creative folklore group Sedula, Rygiaveidė with a folklore or singing poetry program and the creative folklore ensemble Dainaviai to perform at your event.

Calendar 2019.jpg

Our institution has released several CDs of folklore or post-folklore artists, as well as various scientific and popular science publications, calendars. You can get to know them here.

Brass brooch with animalistic ends

The "Vita Antiqua" gallery (J. Basanavičiaus str. 16, Vilnius) hosts costume, art and other exhibitions.If you have artifacts related to ancient life that you would like to have a small exhibition of in our gallery, contact us.

Radio Show

PI Vita Antiqua engages in various science popularization activities. Get to know more here.

Allocate 1.2 percent. income tax or support our activities

As a public institution, we are a non-profit organization, so we constantly need external funding to carry out scientific and cultural activities. Assign us your 1.2 percent. income tax or transfer support directly to our account and support the spread of archaeological reconstruction with us. Support enables us to hold free lectures, seminars or educational activities for the general public.


Please transfer the funds to the following account:

A.S. LT18 7300 0100 9813 0073, Swedbank

Our clients

Joniškis KC logo
Joniskis Museum Logo
Klaipėda Ethnoculture Center logo
Logo of the Hugo Šojus Museum
LOGO of Kupiškis cultural center
Kupiškio etnografijos muziejaus logo
Ratilio logo
Šiauliai Aušra Museum logo

© 2023, VšĮ Vita Antiqua., +370 682 13228

J. Basanavičius st. 16, "Vita Antiqua" gallery, Vilnius, LT03224

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